
Friday, June 18, 2010


Many of the roses have finished blooming ahead of the Japanese beetle onslaught . We have around 27 different wild, species, antique and cold hardy roses. Most of them bloom once and early. Right now the old ramblers, Seven Sisters (?) and The Fairy, are blooming along with the wild native roses and the Canadian Explorer roses. The Japanese beetles will be along soon, but hopefully the chickens will eat some of them.

We've had a lot of rain this year and the flowers loved it. The honeysuckle wafts its fragrance all around. The climbing rose, New Dawn, looks better than it has in years as does the other pretty explorer rose whose name I can't recall at the moment. John Davis is the one with the field in the background. It is one of my favorites.

I finished the band on the Modest Lady's Inkle Loom as well as the one I had on my paddle loom and made my first inkle band into a little zippered pouch by sewing four lengths together.


  1. I have one rose and it was amazing this year too. Hopefully the vegetable garden will appreciate this years weather just as much as the roses!
    My eye automatically went to the band the pouch was made from but I love the red and white one. Gorgeous!

  2. Those are some good lookin' bands. The roses look heavenly--heirloom roses always have a better smell than modern ones, it seems like.
