
Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Modest Lady's Inkle Loom

I just finished my first band on Fred’s version of the Modest Lady’s Inkle Loom. He made it after seeing an article in the Spinning Wheel Sleuth Handloom Supplement.

The loom is made of cherry and all the pegs screw in with threaded wooden screws. The larger peg is the tensioner which has the screw off center so it can be turned to adjust the tension.
I can sit on the sofa and work on it which is pretty neat.

Wish I could send the fragrance of these roses and peonies over the internet somehow.

Outdoors the Canadian Explorer rose, William Baffin, is in full bloom.


  1. Fred does beautiful work. Your gardens are gorgeous. I have been digging up peonies from my grandmothers and trying to establish them here. They were neglected for 30 years and it takes about 3 before I get them to bloom here but I love them so I am patient.

  2. Wonderful Loom and Blooms!

    Gorgeous Loom...Heir-LOOM quality for sure!

    William Baffin is putting on a handsome show ;-)
