
Thursday, September 23, 2010


The onions and squash are harvested. Tomatoes and basil have been processed. Jars of black raspberry jam and gingered pear preserves fill the shelves.
Blueberries and grape juice wait in the freezer for a time when they will also be made into jam.
There are still two sheep left to shear before the end of the month. I’ve been washing and dyeing wool to be sent out for processing.
I took time out over the weekend to join the Ravelry Antique Wheel Virtual Spin-in on the weekend and despite current foot issues got a little skein done.


  1. Nice Fall accounting, Grace. You are way ahead of me. I never know when to harvest the squash (oh yeah, the day before a freeze!) Your yarn looks perfect. I'm going to ply two oatmeal colored bobbins together next!

  2. Sounds like you had a great gardening year also..and you are way ahead of me. I still have a ton of basil & hot peppers, potatoes to dig, cabbage,and the beans are still producing....and I haven't yet started to sheer.

  3. You have a beautiful harvest!

    And lovely yarn from the Rav Virtual Spin!

    Looks like you are ready for winter weather now--

  4. pictures are beautiful on your pages - spinning, weaving, textiles in the background. I've really enjoyed visiting your farm via the Internet :)
