
Friday, March 27, 2009


I love wool. It takes dye so wonderfully. I have been shearing and picking hay out of parts of fleeces I could salvage and dyeing the wool - - in shades of red.

This Knitpicks Sipalu warm palette bag looked great in the advertisement, but up close and personal, I wasn’t happy with the colors. So overdyeing with Jacquard Acid Dyes gave me a bag I love. Do you notice my fondness for reds????
The handmade wooden button is by riverrim from her new etsy store. It was the perfect finishing touch.

Meanwhile spring finally showed up. There are robins, a bluebird's song and lots of geese honking. The tom turkeys are in full battle dress, coming and going.


  1. I luv the Reds too. That is a beautiful bag!

  2. The bag is beautiful. I heard the turkeys up in the woods and saw them walk thru, but they have not been coming down to the fields to get pics anywhere close to yours. Have a great spring.

  3. The bag is gorgeous. I've held off on the kits because the colors didn't call out to me, but your version tempts me like no other.

  4. this is a beautiful blog! love that blue spinning wheel- is it for sale?

    awesome blog!
