Thursday, March 06, 2008

New tape loom band!

My latest tape loom project! The pattern comes the band_snoddar yahoogroup.

Thank you, Louise!


Blogger Judy said...

It is beautiful. I love how weaving reverses where as knitting and crochet usually don't. I was playing on google for things made with the bands from the tape loom and the inkle and there is some really cool stuff.

7:49 AM  
Blogger cyndy said...

Nice pattern work!

Your method of finishing the ends looks terrific too!

7:35 AM  
Blogger Orlythe said...

I admire immensely, but have been intimidated by the band_snoddar group. Your beautiful execution of their pattern has emboldened me to join. How do you get around the language issue?

8:37 AM  

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