Tuesday, February 05, 2008


I had been wondering where my warp was disappearing to, but barring alien abduction, it seems there is a LOT of take-up on these warp faced weaves. I am using size 8 DMC perle cotton for the weft which is much thinner than the baroque cotton I’m using for the warp.

The warp I started with was about 8’ long. Some of the pattern threads became too loose because I hadn’t wound the warp evenly enough so after weaving about two feet of tape, I cut that off and Fred re-warped the loom for me. Now on the re-warped part, I’ve woven another two feet of patterned tape and am already close to the end.

The choice of pattern also seems to have considerable effect on the width of the tape.
With the exact same number and thickness of warp threads and same weft, the zig-zag pattern shown produces a one inch band, but a crisscross pattern that includes three solid color horizontal bars at the end of each pattern segment, creates a band 1 3/16” wide.


Blogger cyndy said...

That loom looks prettier and prettier each time I see it!

Very interesting about the take up-who would have thunk it? Ah, the things we learn "by doing"....

9:09 AM  
Blogger RecycleMicol said...

Oh...that's such a lovely loom! Please pass along my compliments to your husband.


11:44 AM  
Blogger Noreen Crone-Findlay said...

And, I LOVE the bands that you are weaving on it! Glorious!
Congratulations :o)

12:46 PM  

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